I want to hear from all of you - What would look for in a hiring a Personal Chef? Let's pretend money was no object; and you know exactly what a Personal Chef does because you looked at my business web site and it says, "The Sensitive Epicure, Personal Chef & Chemist Service, is a unique service providing gluten free, mostly milk free & yeast free meals that are customized and prepared for you in your home. Take a look at the benefits:
Eat Safe... a safe gluten free meal made by a trained Chemist & Chef who has Celiac & milk allergy and understands dietary restrictions.
Save Time… you have no planning, shopping, cooking or cleaning up. It’s all done by your Personal Chef which means extra time in your schedule.
Eat Healthy… the freshest and best ingredients are always used without preservatives—a great value.
Have Dinner at Home…back to the basics. Your family can enjoy a meal with quality time at the dinner table—priceless.
Additional Services That I provide:
- Grocery shopping / Consultation for your dietary needs
- Dinner parties /Catered events
- Cooking Classes
- Restaurant & Catering Consulting for meeting food allergy/intolerance needs
- Recipe & Food Development"
- What is important to you?
- What questions would you ask me?
- What questions would you want me to ask you?
- How do you think a Personal Chef could improve your life?
- Do you have kids? If so, how do their dietary needs/habits differ from you?
- What are your major concerns with hiring a Personal Chef?
- What are your hopes in hiring a Personal Chef?
-Erin Swing
The Sensitive Epicure
questions -
- can you make delicious, kid-friendly meals that are gluten/dairy/soy/corn/peanut and mostly egg free?
- have you passed a criminal background check - if you are going to be in my home near my kids
improve my life -
- greater variety of food that is geared specifically for my family's health challenges
- better able to meet all the dietary nutrition standards on food different from the 'food pyramid' scheme
kids -
- yes, ages 5 and 8, similar dietary issues - celiac and delayed response food allergies including gastrointestinal, dermatological, and behavioral
- no autism
concerns -
- money (even though you said not to consider this, diets off the mainstream are already expensive without someone else preparing the food)
- accidental exposure to allergens
hopes -
- more time to spend with my family instead of preparing all meals from scratch
- a few dishes in the freezer to take out on what used to be called a 'pizza night'
What is important to me is having healthy meals for my family, one that everyone will eat and enjoy.
My question for you would be what are the benefits (if any) of eating gluten free if no one in our family has a sensitivity? Also, how long is the meal preparation and is it done completely in my home? Do you prepare all meals or just dinner?
I think having a personal chef would improve my life drastically as it would free me up from trying to figure out what to make and allowing me to spend more time my family. It would also be nice to be exposed to a different variety of foods.
My only concern would be the presence of someone else in our small kitchen, but since I know you it would be okay ;-)
My hope is that having a personal chef would free up a great amount of time for me that could be used elsewhere and could possibly even improve my family's eating habits.
Good luck Erin!!
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