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I'm currently on vacation with very limited internet connection, let alone any computer access. Believe me, I'm not complaining. I have been in Greece for over a week now, and have another two weeks enjoying this fine country. I also have a side trip to Berlin for a few days. I told myself I was going to blog more often, even queueing up future blog titles with pictures.... All in due time.So this picture is of my capture of the town of Myrina on the Greek isle of Limnos in the North Aegean Sea. It was from my hike up to the top of the old Venetian castle at the port. I love this place: so relaxing with the most incredible landscape imaginable. The arid weather with the rich soil yeilds the most incredible grapes for white wines. Limnian muscat and the sweet white, almost like a saurtnes, are to dye for. We keep buying bottles to bring back home, but we drink them by the end of the day. The smell of oregano is intoxicating. The first thing I did was to purchase half a kilogram from a farmer who had come in town with a trailer of bagged herbs for sale. Honey is another treat on this island which is harvested from honey bees which make their honey from thyme flowers. So tasty.
Eating gluten free in Greece is easy in regards to what you see is what you get. Usually, there is no hidden gluten. Another bonus is that Greeks know how all the food is prepared and all the ingredients. Gluten free is unheard of here. Usually their response is something to the effect of "What? No bread, no pasta? What can you eat?" The truth is that it is easy to eat too much here. The produce is a colorful, concentrated flavor-packed bounty. I have never had such red and tasty tomatoes as I have had in Greece. Even the potatoes are local grown, fresh, and so fulfilling. In this picture is yemsita, which are stuffed vegetables with rice and meat with fresh seasoning, french fries, and local made wine. For dessert, there is always fresh melon and watermelon. No, I'm not missing anything exept my kitties and computer/internet. Yassou til September!-Erin SwingThe Sensitive Epicure